Five Factors to Consider When Choosing LED Reflectors | APT India

The light-emitting diode, or LED, has been around for a while — your digital clock and flashlight use it — but LEDs have only recently been considered the primary source of household lighting. Incandescent light bulbs, which have been the standard for years, are on their way out and being quickly replaced by energy-saving alternatives such as LED lights. Here are five factors to consider when selecting LED reflectors to help you understand the lighting switch. 

Lighting Directional

When compared to incandescent and compact fluorescent light bulbs, LEDs provide a bit of a spotlight (CFL). LED lighting is more focused, emitting light only in one direction. This directional lighting, also known as "beam types" or "beam angles," is measured in degrees. Simply put, this indicates how much area the light will cover (for example, a 360-degree beam is a full beam type). Some lights have narrow beams (for example, 15-30 degree beams or even less).

PAR and BR: Angles and Size

LED light bulbs are classified into two types: Parabolic Aluminized Reflectors (PAR) and Bulged Reflectors (BR).

1. Beam Angles

BR light bulbs have "wide flood" beam angles, which means that they illuminate an area at an angle greater than 45 degrees.

The angles of PAR light bulbs range from 5 to more than 45 degrees, specifically:

5-15 degree sliver

16-22 degrees, spot

Flood depth, 23-32 degrees

33-45 degree flood

Wide flood, more than 45 degrees

2. Size

The numbers following BR and PAR (for example, 30) represent 1/8th of an inch, the diameter of the bulb. Simply divide the number by 8 to get the diameter. A PAR 30 bulb, for example, has a diameter of 30/8, or 3.75 inches.

3. Temperature of Color

Sometimes you want a specific type of white light to illuminate a room. Fortunately, LED bulbs provide the same color temperature as incandescent light bulbs while using less energy. They arrive as follows:

2700K – 3000K (warm white) (warm white)

4100K – 5000K (cool white) (cool white)

6500K+ (daylight) (daylight)

4. Brightness

The brightness of LED reflectors is measured in lumens rather than watts. Watts measure how much energy the bulb consumes, whereas lumens measure how bright the bulb is. LED lighting is appealing because it uses much less power to produce the same amount of light as incandescent lighting. For everyday bulbs, the conversion from incandescent wattage to LED lumen rating includes:

40 watts equals 380 - 460 lumens

750 - 850 lumens at 60 watts

1100 - 1300 lumens at 75 watts

100 watts equals 1700 - 1800 lumens.

5. Base

The bases of LED lights and incandescent lights are not always the same. The following is a list of some of the products that are available for purchase.

It may appear that there is a lot of information here, but it is important to understand what you are getting with LED lighting before making a purchase. Overall, LEDs outlast incandescent lights, save significantly more energy, and are a wise long-term conservation investment.

APT India is a remarkable name in the manufacturing and development of Electrical Appliances including LED Reflectors, and more to bring a futuristic revolution to everyday life. Our products are designed as per the quality standard with constant product inventions, continuous research & development process, etc. We have designed our LED Reflectors with advanced technology, and innovations to never let our streets face darkness.

Read Also:

How do I choose an LED driver for my LED?

Know About Different Types of LED Lights

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